Monday, 16 June 2014

Iraq... Is the US finally learning from its mistakes in Vietnam?

Writing in 1999, former US Secretary of Defence Robert McNamara claimed that the hope of American victory in Vietnam had been 'an illusion - a dangerous illusion if acted upon in future US conflicts' (McNamara 1999, p.318). As sectarian violence heats up in Iraq and they move towards, what some are terming, an inevitable civil war, is the US going to learn from its mistakes in Vietnam as it moves forward in the decision making over whether to engage in the conflict? Some might argue that if they do not intervene, all that was done in the past was for nothing as terrorist networks gain more control within Iraq. Others would argue that it was never the business of the US in 2003, and it is surely not now, even though much of the sectarian violence can be attributed to the the earlier Iraq War.

But what do you think? Read the following news accounts and make your own judgement:

The Newyorker: Obama to Iraq: Your Problem Now

USA Today: US Moving Aircraft Carrier Closer to Iraq

BBC: Tony Blair: 'We didn't cause Iraq crisis'

Cyprus Mail: Iraq cleric issues Shia call to arms

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