Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Further escalation in Ukraine

Further escalation in the Ukraine as President Putin plans to annex the Crimea and incorporate it within Russia -  the first European annexation since WWII.

If you are unsure exactly about where the Crimea is, below is a map for you to look at. You'll notice that Yalta (the site of the first post-WWII conference by the 'Big 3' in February 1945 and arguably the beginning of the Cold War) is in the Crimea. Where would you place the Crimea - as Ukrainian sovereign territory or Russian?

Here is a quick one minute bite of the situation at present according to the New York Times...

From your studies so far of conflict and geopolitics, what might this conflict escalation mean for the international community?

Here is further analysis of the recent developments in the Ukraine from the BBC: ARTICLE LINK

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