Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Uganda Anti-Homosexuality Bill passed

Yesterday the anti-homosexuality Bill was passed in Ugandan parliament. It was reported as 'A Victory for Ugandan Society'. But I ask you, how can this be so? Take a look at the news broadcast below and consider whether this is similar in any way to the fascist policies of Adolf Hitler... And, as you look at the second news item (and conduct some of your own online research), consider what support of this bill by many Ugandans might mean for Ugandan society?

Guardian News article, 'Ugandan politicians celebrate passing of anti-gay laws': ARTICLE LINK

1 comment:

  1. "Outsiders cannot dictate to us. This is our country. I advise friends from the west not to make this an issue, because if they make it an issue the more they will lose. If the west does not want to work with us because of homosexuals, then we have enough space to ourselves here." This is a quote from the President of Uganda- Yoweri Museveni. I find it interesting that he says by making an issue out of anti-homosexuality we will lose. What is it that we will lose? I can't see a loss from trying to create equality. In my opinion, the people of Uganda are losing from this, how can this be considered a step forward?

    "This is a victory for the family of Uganda, a victory for the future of our children…"
    To this I say, what if your children are gay? What if their children are gay? What if in future they reflect upon this and realize that this is not at all a victory? Surely there will be a time when the people of Uganda will look back on this and say 'this is crazy!' 'how could they possibly do this to someone?' I understand that this country is still developing and that due to this they are going to go through things that well developed countries have already experienced. However, it would be nice to think that perhaps this could be bypassed by looking at history, including that of other countries and saying 'well that happened there they are not like that now, so maybe we should consider this.'
    These laws are an awful thing, and it would be interesting to be able to look into the future a few years and see of anything has changed. I believe that eventually it will, it may just take a long time.
    Just like to add that the comments section of the article is pretty interesting. There are some pretty fascinating things said. It's also refreshing to see that for once the comments section is not filled with awful lunatics celebrating it, there are actually quite a lot of people disgusted, which is always good to see.
